Popular Church of Christ Blogs

On his blog, Kingdom Living, Matt Dabbs provides a list of the most popular Church of Christ blogs. So if your looking for some Christian money advice, homemaking tips, Biblical commentary, sermon suggestions, news from missionaries, or old fashioned controversy, there’s a great chance you’ll find it on this list.

Even if you’re not looking for anything in particular it can be fun to click your way through the list and see what’s out there.

It is notoriously difficult to develop a definitive measure of the popularity of blogs.  Matt uses Alexa rankings.  Alexa is a small utility that people can download onto their internet browser.  The program then anonymously keeps track of the sites people visits and ranks them.  So a person might have a very popular blog, but if no one with the Alexa utility visits it, then it won’t get recognized at all.  However, despite the obvious weaknesses of this methodology it does provide an objective way of ranking websites and distinguishing popular websites from those that might be out of date or rarely updated.  (To contribute to these rankings you can download the toolbar at this site.)

Having said all that about Alexa, let me say a BIG THANK-YOU to everyone who’s visited Peter’s Patter over the past 18 months.  By some quirk in the statistics this blog is ranked at #7.  It’s my prayer that, in addition to quirky statistics, people are genuinely finding these thoughts, comments, and sermon followup to be encouraging and helpful in their spiritual walk and understanding of God.

….now if I could only get some more comments and conversation flowing…

For those who are interested, the most popular posts at Peter’s Patter over the past year have been:

  1. Jesus’ I AM Statements in John
  2. Cleansing the Temple – John 2
  3. Three Core Values for the church (plus 1)
  4. John 21: Do You Love Me?
  5. The President & “Childish Things”
  6. 1 Cor. 3:9 – You are God’s Building!
  7. Interview with the Christian Church
  8. You Must be Born Again – John 3

Speaking of popular blogs… You can find a list of 2009 Church of Christ award winning blogs here.

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